The Benefits of Video in the Remote Work Environment

By: Bill Dolan, CMB

Turn Your Video On!

A study performed by Professor Albert Mehrabian from UCLA tells us that just 7% of the information we share with people comes out of our mouths. Professor Mehrabian quantified this tendency by stating words, tone of voice and body language respectively account for 7%, 38% and 55% of personal communication.

All that said, with so many video conferences on our calendars, commit to turning your video camera on. Sharing your reaction and body language makes communication easier on everyone. Having your camera on also forces you to stay focused during a meeting and gives you valuable access to facial expressions and gestures of your co-workers.

Once your team is in the habit of turning their cameras on, communication is bound to improve and your team will feel more socially connected.

Next week: Prioritize Both Physical & Mental Wellness

How are you doing with both your HMDA LARs and the URLA 1003 implementation?

It should be pointed out that both are required to be submitted and/or implemented no later than March 1, 2021……don’t wait until the last minute as resources may not be available.

Contact SCA at (617) 694-2617 and ask for Bill Dolan, to discuss just what SCA can provide to address these and other challenges you may be currently facing.


Establishing Clear Expectations in the Remote Work Environment


Achieving Flow State in the Remote Work Environment