SCA Technology Team:
Sometimes You Have to Rebuild

The Challenge

A large credit union found itself in a frustrating predicament. Their Optimal Blue Pricing engine, once a beacon of efficiency, had morphed into a daily operational headache. Inconsistent and erroneous pricing results were the norm, and the support desk at Optimal Blue had become a familiar haunt. The root of the problem? A tangled web of configuration issues that had accumulated over years of ownership shifts and strategic changes.

SCA To the Rescue

The credit union turned to SCA for a solution. After a thorough assessment, it became clear that a complete system rebuild was the most effective path forward. This bold approach, while initially daunting, offered the promise of a clean slate and a future free from persistent pricing errors. SCA enlisted Paul Bates, its Senior Technology Consultant and 30 year industry veteran, to lead the project.

Uniting for Change

SCA collaborated closely with Optimal Blue to execute a three-day intensive rebuild at the vendor's headquarters in Plano, Texas. The teams worked together and meticulously reconstructed the pricing engine from the ground up, aligning it precisely with the credit union's current strategies. The result was a streamlined, well-documented system that was intuitive for the credit union's staff to manage.

Following rigorous testing, the new configuration was successfully deployed into production within three weeks. The impact was immediate and transformative.

  • Pricing accuracy improved dramatically

  • Support requests plummeted

  • Overall operational efficiency soared

 The credit union's relationship with Optimal Blue was revitalized, marked by renewed trust and collaboration.

Measured Success

This success story underscores the importance of proactive system management and the value of decisive action when faced with persistent challenges. SCA's expertise in complex platform configurations and their ability to execute a rapid rebuild proved to be the key to unlocking the credit union's pricing potential.

By taking a bold step to address the underlying issues, the credit union not only resolved its immediate problems but also laid the foundation for long-term success and growth.

Want to learn more?

Take a look at some of the solutions we offer through our Client-Centered approach, and see how we can help your organization achieve its highest potential.

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