Maintaining Work/Life Balance in the Remote Work Environment

By: Bill Dolan, CMB

Working Remote Requires a Work/Life Balance

As mentioned previously, employees working remote are totally more productive. However, there is that fine line between “work” and “life” that becomes far less delineated.

Therefore, it is incredibly important that you keep your work and life totally separate from both a physical as well as mental standpoint. Eliminate working on the couch or in bed. Work in the type of space you typically would work in and when you are through working, escape from that space.

I am fortunate to have a study at home, that I was able to convert into my office. The only time I am in my office is when I am working and my family room still is my “life” space where I can go and relax when the work is completed. That physical separation had made a great impact on my productivity since working remotely from home. It is also helpful to mentally separate you’re your home mindset from your work mindset as much as you possibly can. Do not attempt to do household projects throughout the day as it is so easy to become distracted. If you need to perform these projects, leave them to your break times or lunchtime and leave it as a mental break from your focus on the work.

Most importantly, setting regular scheduled work hours can easily help you separate that work/life balance. 

According to Buffer’s survey regarding remote employees, 22% stated that unplugging after work was their biggest challenge when working remotely from home and it is also important to respect your team members work hours as well.

Next Week’s Practical Tip: “Flow State”

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Achieving Flow State in the Remote Work Environment


Secondary Market Corner 8/31/20