SCA Now Offers a Suite of Marketing Solutions

You deserve a marketing partner that understands the mortgage industry, the technology you use, and your complex compliance landscape. Spillane Consulting Associates now offers a suite of marketing solutions tailored to your companies needs. Our marketing and compliance experts will work together to get you a marketing plan that effectively brings in business while giving you the assurance that you won't run into any issues come exam time.

We will conduct an exploratory interview with your marketing team to get a clear understanding of your brand, your current marketing activities, and relevant goals and KPI’s. SCA’s marketing team will then draft proposals and action plans for any or all of the following:


Any marketing programs your institution implements will only be as strong as the brand behind them. Thus, it is imperative that before any major investment is made in a marketing program, you have ironed out your brand’s positioning, competitive advantage, value proposition and voice. This will ensure that you are telling a story that prospective clients will connect with and remember, and that story will be consistent across all marketing touchpoints.

Social Media

Updates to the Facebook algorithm in recent years have limited the amount of value a brand can get out of organic social media posts, but Facebook and LinkedIn ad campaigns can still be a great and cost-effective way to reach a highly targeted audience. Even if we decide that social media ads are not the way forward for your brand, it is still important that your social media presence is well established and regularly updated. A prospect that searches out your company’s Facebook page for more info will be discouraged if they see an incomplete or seemingly abandoned profile. SCA can work with your marketing team to improve your social presence and establish a schedule of posts so that you can be confident your audience is getting the right impression.


SCA will perform a website review and identify areas in which user experience could be improved. Prospects visiting your website should quickly be able to grasp who you are, what you offer, why they should choose your brand, and how to contact you for next steps without any friction along the way. Your website can also be a valuable tool for lead generation. Lead capture landing pages and request forms can be implemented and can automatically feed prospect information into your CRM for future marketing efforts. There are many technologies and products available to increase the functional sophistication of your website depending on your brand and your competitive landscape. SCA will work with you to determine suitable goals for your marketing plan and then help you make the necessary changes to your website in order to reach those goals.


Email marketing can be an effective way to follow up with any leads generated through your other marketing efforts or keep in touch with previous customers. Consumers increasingly expect personalized communications with brands so an effective CRM and automated email system integration is key. SCA will evaluate your current email systems and campaigns and make recommendations to help you set up a system that accomplishes meaningful touchpoints with your audience at the click of a button.

Digital Ads

SCA will research your competitive landscape and identify valuable opportunities to get your brand out in front of the right people. These could range from banner ads on local news pages to geotargeted mobile ads to ads that use sophisticated behavioral predictive targeting to find prospects in your area that are likely on the cusp of a purchase. The digital ad plan that SCA recommends for your brand will be determined by your institutions size, budget, and competitive landscape.


SCA’s marketing team has the resources needed to not only recommend the best course of action for you in all of the above categories, but also to implement the needed changes and then provide continuing support in the areas of:

·         campaign conceptualization

·         copy writing

·         graphic design

·         results tracking

·         creation of blog content

·         website design and maintenance 


If you would like to find out how SCA can help you take your marketing to the next level and generate more leads for your business, contact Bill Dolan to set up a free consultation.

Bill Dolan, Director

(617) 694-2617


SCA Launches Operational Assessment & Loan Review Services For Mortgage Servicers


Mortgage Asset Offerings of $31 Million