SCA Launches Operational Assessment & Loan Review Services For Mortgage Servicers

Spillane Consulting Associates, Inc. has launched a new service to aid mortgage servicers to better analyze operational and loan level risks and address specific residential, consumer and commercial portfolio concerns.

SCA will assist community banks and credit unions through a one-time operational assessment to review workflows, document current practices, identify bottlenecks and inefficiencies and provide recommendations and solutions to streamline processes using available technologies and industry “best practices.”  

The operational review of servicing will address processes, risk controls and exposure, system, reporting, policies, management, and staff, as well as regulatory compliance and adherence to GSE guidelines.

John Spillane, Principal & Managing Director stated that “it is a natural progression for SCA in leveraging its professional management consulting capabilities, compliance expertise and knowledgeable staff to design a robust oversight solution to allow servicers to engage with certainty.” Improper servicing practices can assuredly lead to lower operating yields and possibly increase fines/penalties resulting from audits and exams conducted by your investors and regulators. More importantly, they can result in reputational risk to both current and prospective customers, should servicing mishaps or errors come to light.

Let SCA help review your servicing practices with a fresh perspective to ensure you have full confidence in the products and services you’re offering and/or remediate any servicing challenges you may be facing in the current environment.

For a free consultation, please contact Bill Dolan, CMB, Director at (617) 694-2617 or visit us at


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