$141.1MM Pool Offering Available for Bid

If you’re institution is currently experiencing challenges with residential loan origination volume and require mortgage assets for the balance sheet to meet or exceed budget for fiscal year 2022’ the SCA Mortgage Exchange has a current offering of a $141.mm pool of residential fixed rate and adjustable-rate mortgages. The pool consists of 276 loans comprised of the following product types:

65 fixed-rate residential mortgages totaling $$36.5 mm

211 adjustable-rate residential mortgages totaling $104.6mm

Approximately 95% of this pool has been originated and resides within Massachusetts and Rhode Island. The package may be sliced/diced based on your institution’s current need. Servicing of this package will continue to be retained by the Seller. Therefore, all Bids will be accepted based on the Pass-Thru Rate. Bids on this package are due no later than 5:00PM on Thursday, September 30, 2022.

Feel free to reach out to contact Bill Dolan, Director at (617) 694-2617 or email at: Wdolan@scapartnering.com for additional information on this and other pools currently being offered.

The SCA Mortgage Exchange is a mortgage banking advisory group, comprised of seasoned and industry-known mortgage banking professionals with over 40 years of industry experience in the mortgage banking arena. We collaborate with CEO’s, CFO’s, CRA Officers and Secondary Market managers of community financial institutions to efficiently sell or purchase specific loan products and pools, support unique balance sheet needs and bolster their CRA requirements, to increase liquidity and profitability.

The SCA Mortgage Exchange can also afford both Purchasers and Sellers a real sense of security by offering SCA’s Due Diligence review services team comprised of competent and experienced industry analysts who are able to perform a comprehensive review on both the credit and compliance side of each loan traded. Whether seasoned or newly originated loan production, our accomplished Due Diligence team will eliminate the guesswork and identify any potential loan rejects or buybacks, insuring a clean asset sale. This can be accomplished on behalf of the Seller prior to the pool being offered for sale or on behalf of the Purchaser prior to the Purchase & Sale being established and the financial transaction being completed.


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