How Goes the Battle?

By: Bill Dolan, CMB

Right now, many of you are in the process or have begun strategic planning and budgeting for 2020'.

If you don’t have a mortgage strategy, rest assured, you ARE part of someone else’s strategy. The process is never easy but if you are looking to build a killer strategic plan for 2020’ let SCA drive these five components home for you:

  • Assess Industry, Competition & Customer Trends

  • Complete a SWOT (strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats) Analysis on Your Business

  • Define Your Mortgage Goals & Objectives

  • Drill Down to Department Level Objectives

  • Determine Staffing, Budget & Financing Needs

  • Outsourcing & Fulfillment Services Alternatives

Often times it is necessary to engage an outside mortgage consultant or advisor such as SCA to help you and your managers in building the plan. SCA can keep the process organized and the managers focused on the goals that really matter. We can also help mediate with managers different opinions and provide feedback on what we see happening within our industry relating to products, services and technology.

If at the end of the day, your managers, supervisors and staff are not 100% onboard with total buy-in of the resulting strategic plan, your plan will not be achieved.

Let SCA partner with your institution to make your plan and 2020’ a success!

Contact Bill Dolan, CMB Director at (781) 356-2772 to arrange a meeting to discuss your organization’s needs.


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