The Importance of Trust in the Remote Work Environment

By: Bill Dolan, CMB


If you want to succeed virtually, you have to trust your mortgage team.

Louis Alfieri of Raven Sun Creative, a global remote team since its founding in 2012 stated, “As a manager, you must create the initial “glue” that binds these various talents together across geographic distance as opposed to fostering it organically in a single spatial environment.” 

Trust is the bedrock of your financial institutions. You must become comfortable with a new dimension of risk and with not knowing absolutely everything that is going on. You will have to build the team that you rely on to develop and pursue directions with a high degree of independence.

While you may be more custom to a certain degree of control in the office, try to embrace the flexibility that remote work demands and trust your team to get their jobs done without hand-holding. Those of you who go the Big brother route and attempt to spy on remote employees can rally damage the culture and team dynamics, breeding an environment of paranoia and distrust that hurts everyone.

Give your workforce enough credit. Empower your team for this is what the future of work is all about: strengthening the human element.

We’re living in the midst of a historical moment right now. Yes, the pandemic is one thing but we’re also experiencing an opportunity to experiment with our processes. So test run remote work without fear of failure because quite simply, most of us don’t have the option of being in the office right now.

Therefore, seize the moment and turn this into a positive experience for your team. You might be quite surprised at just how well your team performs in their new digital normal – it surely has made all the difference in the world for SCA. 

Are you looking to change the way you work in order to compete? If so, SCA is ready to help you in the process whether through our mortgage consulting team, secondary market team, technology, compliance and due diligence teams, SCA is ready to partner with you by simply contacting Bill Dolan at (617) 694-2617.  


SCA Rate Lock Desk Services


Establishing Clear Expectations in the Remote Work Environment