SCA Launches New Website (With a Bang!)

By Bill Dolan, CMB

While many of us faced some real challenges during the Covid-19 pandemic, SCA found several new and innovative ways to stay connected with and respond to the needs of our clients and prospects. More importantly, our company learned to communicate, adapt, and reengineer our former work environment into a cohesive and well-connected remote workforce.

During these past few months, SCA has remained diligent, and (among other things) has developed a NEW website. We hope you will be as excited as we are when you examine the newly specialized mortgage services we will be offering as well as leveraging our existing services to support our banks, credit unions, and non-depositories as we re-enter a very changed landscape within our industry.

Like everything surrounding us, the mortgage banking ecosystem will be far different from what it was pre-virus. Changes in the way your borrowers and depositors interact with your financial institutions when banking and borrowing will be forever altered. The future of the workplace, the use of modern technology and artificial intelligence, as well as the fulfillment services you may require, will all need to be considered and depend greatly on the time it takes for you to settle into the new “normal” that is emerging.

At times like these, the winners and losers in mortgage banking will be defined by those who are able to acclimate themselves and demonstrate the necessary flexibility and leadership required during this transformative time. This should include the willingness to change business models and strategies, grappling with the end of “business as usual”.

What will not change is the quality of service and the relationships that SCA has staked its reputation on for the past 29 years. SCA will work with your management team and workforce through this transition to ensure that you remain on track.

As rules and restrictions continue to evolve by the GSEs and the regulators, SCA is ready to partner with you in providing the fundamental support levels and tools required to work remotely, including the fulfillment services crucial to running your daily rate lock desk and secondary market operations.

To insure a successful transition for your organization while delivering both optimal services and a positive customer experience to your borrowers, please contact: Bill Dolan, Director, at (617) 694-2617 or email him at


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