SCA COVID-19 Updates

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

Like all of you, we are watching our phones and computer screens for guidance from the industry stakeholders on how to best serve our community and customers in this unprecedented time.

While very little is clear on a day-to-day basis; what is 100% clear is the health, safety, and security of our people, their families, and our clients is our top priority.

SCA's QC Efforts Continue Remotely

Notwithstanding health and safety, we also recognize the critical nature of SCA's participation as a trusted vendor performing a necessary step to the mortgage origination process. Specifically, we recognize that in doing our part to help the community, we must--and are--take steps to ensure that all time-sensitive Quality Control Milestones are managed with clients as best as possible. And we must not forget that privacy and data security are still--or maybe even more so--the #1 risk in any financial institution today.

As of now, we continue to operate as an essential Financial Services provider due to critical nature of certain services. We are operating with limited staff in the office, and allowing all employees to work remotely.

Communications During Quarantine

Most of our technology and compliance consultants continue to provide service to clients uninterrupted, although limitations in person-to-person meetings certainly exist. We've made improvements to our digital communication tools in order to facilitate collaborative projects with clients.

We're doing everything we can to get back to our customers via email and phone, but please bear with us as we all adjust to a new reality for the foreseeable future. Consider copying multiple SCA individuals, or reaching out to your favorite consultant(s) by cell if you have their numbers.

Lenders' Forum for COVID-19 Best Practices

In an effort to further assist our many clients asking questions about best practices and rapid legislative change, we have established a Lenders' Forum on COVID-19 on LinkedIn. Please follow the page, feel free to comment and discuss any of the topics, and email us with any questions you're wrestling with that we may post to the group for discussion. Standard disclaimers apply, not legal advice by any means, but hopefully an exchange of ideas and creative solutions to challenges we all face today.

Stay safe, and stay in touch; we know life is crazy lately, but now more than ever we need to work as a community to solve issues common to the entire industry.

Best Wishes to you and yours,

- The Spillane Consulting Team.


Forbearance Rights Under CARES Act


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