How Does the Balance Sheet Look For 1st Quarter?

The SCA Mortgage Exchange, a mortgage banking advisory group is pleased to offer a loan package for sale comprised of 109 loans totaling $64MMof fixed rate and adjustable-rate mortgages for bid. This pool consists of 99.2% of loans originated within the New England area and the pool may be possibly split to meet your institution’s needs. The package may also be on a service retained or service released basis.

Our exchange can collaborate with executives in the financial and lending sectors who are looking to increase liquidity, profitability, or bolster CRA requirements, reducing risk and exposure that may not adhere to your balance sheet strategy. We can advise and facilitate the transaction whether you are looking to purchase or sell in bulk or flow, conforming or non-conforming, performing or non-perfroming, servicing released or servicing retained.

For more information regarding this offer or any other services that SCA provides, please contact Bill Dolan, Director, at or at (617) 694-2617. Please feel free to visit our website at:


Are You Prepared for a Fair Lending Examination by Your Regulator?


SCA Year In Review