It Doesn’t Get Much Better Than This! Mortgage Asset Pool Offering Available for Sale!         

Improve Your Balance Sheet in 2023’

The SCA Mortgage Exchange is pleased to present a residential Adjustable-Rate mortgage pool consisting of 5/1, 7/1, 10/1, and 15/1 ARM loans for sale (Bid). The Seller is a Massachusetts community bank that has maintained a long and established collaboration and partnership with SCA for over twenty-five years.

The ARM sale is comprised of 81 loans with an unpaid principal balance totaling $40.6 Million. Based on the characteristics of this pristine pool, no loan has experienced delinquency in the 30 day or higher category, ever. Furthermore, the pool may be purchased in whole, or negotiated with the Seller of no less than $5 Million increments. This pool is also being sold and negotiated on a service released basis. Your offer should reflect the all-in bid for both the mortgage assets purchased as well as the mortgage servicing rights (MSRs). The details are as follows:

5/1 ARMS    (5 loans)    $1.6M
7/1 ARMS    (7 loans)    $2.8M
10/1 ARMS  (32 loans)  $18.0M
15/1 ARMS  (37 loans)  $18.0M

Total Loan Pool – 81
Total Unpaid Principal Balance - $40.6 Million
WAC – 5.037   
WAM – 360 mos.
LTV – 70.73%
DTI - 33.86%
Avg. FICO - 752

Bids on this pool are due no later than 5:00PM on Monday, August 7, 2023.

If your Institution has not increased the residential loan volume you anticipated on your balance sheet this year, or, if you are looking for an alternative strategy due to the current lack of loan origination volume, high interest rates, and low housing inventory, this pool can fill that niche.

For additional detailed information on this pool or other upcoming offerings (Purchase/Sell) you may be interested in through the SCA Mortgage Exchange, please contact Bill Dolan, Director at: (617) 694-2617 or email Bill at:

*** Disclaimer of Liability and Accuracy of Data***

The information contained in this offering is based on data provided by the Seller. Every effort has been made to provide information and data that is current and accurate. Nevertheless, inadvertent errors in information may occur. The information contained in this offering has been supplied to the SCA Mortgage Exchange by the Seller and no warranty or guarantee is expressed or implied, and the Purchaser’s offer to purchase should be subject to its personal examination and due diligence of the Seller. SCA Mortgage Exchange gives no assurance or warranty that information is current and accurate and take no responsibility for matters arising from changed circumstances or other information or material which may affect the accuracy of information in this offering. The seller reserves the right to reject any/ all bids.


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