Are Your Borrowers Really Experiencing the Best That You Can Give?


By: Bill Dolan, CMB, AMP

As mortgage bankers, you and I both know that today, it’s all about the customer experience and therefore, re-engineering is key to reducing turn times and providing a successful encounter, for far too many times, borrowers are left disappointed or bewildered by the entire workflow (application-to-closing) process. You can however make the process uncomplicated, far more rapid and far less stressful on your borrowers. Concurrently, the longer it takes you to process, underwrite and close the loan, the more money you leave on the table.

Improvement can only begin when you and your mortgage team clearly understand just how your existing application process and current workflow is or is not performing. A technology utilization review should be performed (POS, LOS, PPE) to address whether your systems are performing to the standards necessary for meeting and/or exceeding your objectives set, measuring your current performance by utilizing Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) as well as industry “best practices” to ensure quality throughout the mortgage transaction, avoiding bottlenecks and workflow reversal within the mortgage manufacturing plant.

Now is the time to contact Spillane Consulting Associates, Inc. to perform a Mortgage Manufacturing Assessment by our team of mortgage technology consultants who are ready to work with you and your mortgage team to enhance the borrower and member experience.

Let SCA take a look under the hood of your mortgage operation to provide the solutions to your company thrive in 2021.

For a free consultation, please reach out and contact Bill Dolan at (617) 694-2617.


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